
Our names are Mayoli and Amanda. We are two university students that have been friends since high school. Sometime last summer we decided to start making jewelry together. At first it was a way to keep looking good and in style without denting our fragile student bank account but it soon became a hobby and out of our innocent hobby MNA Designs was born.

Designing jewelry has been an amazing experience and we both feel very blessed to have the opportunity to make some money while doing the very thing we love to do.

Though at times it feels and looks as if school and MNA take up all of our time we do have many other interests! We are both book worms and know how to truly enjoy bending and cracking the back of a good classic while sipping a warm cup of coffee. Antiques, vintage things, doily, Martha Stewart, and clothes are a few other things that make us drool a little!

As I sit here and get ready to launch our blog I cannot help but think about life. I know, it sounds very philosophical but I promise you it's not... I am not a very philosophical person. Its just that few years ago Amanda, the scientist, would have never imagined herself as a jewelry designer and I, the crazy artist, would have called myself an "internet illiterate."

Anyways, I am sure that as you look around and read our blog you'll get a sense of what kind of people we are and hopefully you enjoy what you read!

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